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Autumn updates from OpenHatch

by Asheesh September 29th, 2010

(The following post is in the style of a They Might Be Giants song, the “‘85 Radio Special Thank You“.)


OpenHatch people are very happy to be guest-blogging for the first time in their long, illustrious careers. 2010 has been a very good year for OpenHatch.

Mid August, Asheesh presented at a new mini-summit. Everyone liked him, and he likes everything.

In September, I moved to Boston trapped deep inside a Megabus on the side of the road, going slower and slower until they never let us out a full hundred miles later.

In July, we all sang a duet with Mel Chua. In a way it was nice, and it was our favorite song. But we spent the following days resting up, looking for some vital link missing in the big picture. Asheesh said he had found it, but in fact he had lost it.

Well, that July, Asheesh chipped a tooth making lemonade far above the kitchen sink. And then came the end of the September, when we ran our very first university immersion program, which we are glad that some of you became a part of.

Thank you for listening to OpenHatch. We do have a Dial-a-Blog service at — (sound of tape rewinding) Dial-a-Blog service at

Thank you.

One comment

  1. Kevin says:

    Yes, that *is* oblique.

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