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Join our development list, get a “thank you” card

by Asheesh November 4th, 2010

I’m writing this post to tell you all two things:

  • We have this cool email list called Devel, where we plan and talk about coding and graphics and design and infrastructure and the other stuff that makes the OpenHatch website go.
  • I went to a summit and and Jefro made a nice video of me explaining OpenHatch, the best one yet.

I would really like it if more blog readers joined the Devel list. I have a hunch that there are a bunch of nice people who see these web updates, and who would contribute to the conversation by email, but who aren’t on the list yet. That might be you!

So if you join the list, I’ll send you a hand-written “thank you” note. More after the jump…

On the Devel list, there’s a link to the video, in .ogg format. Two days from now, I’ll update this post to contain a link to the video. Can you find it first, and leave a link in the comments?

Your mission, if you choose to accept it:

  • Join the Devel list. Go to the list info page and add your email address to the list.
  • Find the link to the video in the archives.
  • Leave a comment on this blog with a link and one sentence about why you joined the list.
  • Email me (asheesh at saying it was you who did it, and then I’ll ask you for your mailing address, because…
  • the final step is that you receive a hand-written thank-you card from me.

Anyone can read the archives without being on the list, but you only get the thank-you card if you actually subscribe!

Even if you don’t care for a prize, you might still want to sign up. It’s where we talk about the software, design, and planning that drive the future of the website.


  1. Mike says:

    Got the video from

    I’m interested in helping openhatch succeed, because I believe the FLOSS universe fails to use the human resources available as efficiently as possible. I hope the website can bring new developers into the fold and help small projects find people who want to help.

    I’ll need help from the devel list to find my way around an unfamiliar codebase, in particular one written in a language I don’t particularly use. To familiarize myself with the development process and community, I’ll aim to add support for gravatars (in production, probably reverse-proxied for privacy reasons and cached for performance reasons).

  2. Mike says:

    paulproteus: oh no! the video ends in the middle of an anecdote!
    ^Mike: WHAT!?
    * paulproteus didn’t watch all the way through
    * paulproteus wonders which anecdote
    “When I was talking to my professor about options for a wiki, he asked me ‘wait, can you just like installOMG, EOF

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