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The January release has shipped

by Asheesh February 11th, 2011

We are very proud to announce that OpenHatch has been updated to version 0.11.01!

There are a bunch of changes for this release, including:

  • RSS/Atom feed for site activity and suggested bugs, implemented by Jack.
  • Various improvements to missions, including bug fixes, improved design and new reset functionality (code by Krzysztof; patch review by Jack).
  • Lovely headers for missions, created by Karen. Take a look!
  • Improvements to several bug importers, including Launchpad, Bugzilla and Google Code.
  • Monitoring: Jessica and Asheesh set up basic Nagios monitoring, just in time to detect a site outage. The next steps for monitoring are expanding what gets monitored and setting up public read access to the Nagios reports.
  • And a lot of minor improvements!

A full list of new features and bug fixes can be found on the OpenHatch bug tracker. You can see from the IRC logs that we got a lot done in the last 24 hours of the release, in particular. This is the first release that had code review done by someone other than Asheesh (because he was asleep for the final three hours, UTC, of January 31).

We would like to thank all the contributors who made this release possible. These people committed code or pushed a bug forward in a big way:

We also merged a patch from Zathras on IRC, though he doesn’t have an OpenHatch account I could find.

Also, special thanks should go to glyph from the Twisted project and Dirk from Geeklog for their feedback on how we can improve OpenHatch. We are constantly gathering input, so please feel free to join our mailing list or IRC channel (#openhatch on and tell us what you think. This month, we’re trying to step back and take some perspective on the site; we’ve done some big picture-type thinking on the wiki. There’s a lot to get done as we aim to improve the overall usability of the site with features like Single Sign On, forums and more. If you’d like to contribute please join the IRC channel, say hi, pick some tickets that interest you, and start hacking! And if you’re not sure where to start, you can just ask us to help you find what to do.

From the discussion on the list, it looks like we’ll be focusing on the site’s usefulness for project maintainers. The February release (0.11.02) will be out by the last day of February. We have our weekly planning meeting on IRC at 4 PM US/Eastern on Saturday, Feb 12, if you want to stop by and participate (or just watch). New faces are very welcome!

(And even though the release was all done by the end of January, it took a few extra days to get these release notes up. They were a collaboration between Asheesh, Jessica, and Krzysztof.)

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