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Python Petting by MTSOfan / BY-NC-SA

Are you a Python user group organizer or member? Do you want more people, and a more diverse set of people, to show up to your user group events? Email us at! The Python Software Foundation and open source outreach nonprofit OpenHatch want to help.

As part of a six-month grant funded by the PSF, Asheesh Laroia (OpenHatch, BPW) will:

  • check in with you and your user group,
  • enable communication and cross-pollination between your user group and other user groups,
  • answer your questions and brainstorm with you about making user group events more welcoming, exciting, and well-attended, and
  • provide guidance, suggestions, and resources for running fun events designed for newcomers to the Python community.

Additionally, Asheesh will track the number of intro and diversity-focused events run in the Python community and the demographics of Python user group speakers–key metrics for the PSF’s Education and Outreach Committee. The goals for this grant are that over the next six months, at least six intro/diversity events happen and at least eight user groups see improved speaker diversity.

If you’re already on the list, watch out for an email from Asheesh. If you run a Python user group of any kind, and aren’t there — join it! And you can always email us right now to work together on your user group:

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