OpenHatch newsletter, February 2014

Welcome to OpenHatch newsletter number 19.
Our goals in 2014 for Open Source Comes to Campus.
Introducing setup sprints: getting project installation, documenation, and contribution process ready for contributions by newcomers, especially students at Open Source Comes to Campus events.
Things newcomers to open source rarely ask but often wonder, Shauna Gordon-McKeon writes at
In 2014, let’s make open source software more usable, Asheesh Laroia guest-posts on the Open Source Software & Usability blog.
Julie Pichon, [openstack-dev] Interested in attracting new contributors?
OpenHatch doesn’t spam, you get one email a week if one or more people
indicated they want to help. The initial effort is not time-consuming,
following OpenHatch’s advice [4] you can refine a nice “initial
contact” email that helps you get people started and understand what
they are interested in quickly. I don’t find the time commitment to be
too much so far, and it’s incredibly gratifying to see someone
submitting their first patch after you answered a couple of questions
or helped resolve a hairy git issue. I’m happy to chat about it more,
if you’re curious or have any questions.In any case if you’d like to attract more contributors to your project,
and/or help newcomers get started in open-source, consider adding your
project to OpenHatch too!
OpenHatch discussed on Hacker News.
OpenHatchy but not OpenHatch things around the web
The Ada Initiative on HOWTO design a code of conduct for your community. looks a little bit like Drupal Ladders for the whole world of OSS. Contributing is easier than ever! via @thecodepath
The Goal of the Drupal Ladder is to have 1% of the Drupal Community contributing to core.
A week of articles on women in open source at
A career panel of sorts, in an article: These Women Are Building The Software That Quietly Runs The World.
Women Outnumber Men For The First Time In Berkeley’s Intro To Computer Science Course; will they have the opportunity to contribute to open source? Related: Can early computer science education boost number of women in tech?
The Scistarter project finder is a little bit like the OpenHatch volunteer opportunity finder, but for science projects.
Also check out links submitted to /r/openhatch, and add your finds!
Get involved
You can help write this newsletter! The March newsletter in progress (preview). Join our publicity list or hop on #openhatch with suggestions and questions.